New, fresh and inspiring titles! Get one and taste something Fresh!

Four (4) Freshest books in the market. Grab a copy and you will not put it down until you are done. Fresh and refreshing.

1. Exposing the whole trick and trap in the sex industry. THE SEX TRAP. None near this. Written directly to the reader, leaves you wanting more and renewed in the spirit of your mind. You have not read anything like this before.

2. RESPONDING TO PERSONAL CRISIS. I mean it is not much of an issue what you going through but how you respond to that is what matters the most. You see, your response can be more costly and disappointing than your crisis. The world over millions are struggling with effects of their responses to perceived crisis. Here is coming directly to you awesome and excellent ways of responding that will leave you happy and winning. This book is what you have been waiting for.

3. Coming up in the next week;  CELEBRATING MY AFRICANNESS. Not only controversial but liberating. Exposing the trap in your mind.  To be me and you is not wickedness but a point of celebration. Written to my brothers and sisters in AFRICA.THE CHURCH AT WAR. This will get any true believer out of their hiding into the field to pick up the HARVEST for CHRIST. Thorough and inspiring. Its warfare beloved that we are called to.

( All these available to you as soft copies and eBooks.





Welcoming New Author.

I am kilton Moyo a teacher by profession, ordained pastor, guidance & counseling consultant, Theologian, Humanitarian worker and AUTHOR of the SEX TRAP and 3 more new titles coming up in a few days. I live and work in Zimbabwe my home country and am founder of Citizen Africa foundation. I write and talk on various issues that affect people and offer counseling to individuals and communities. I am married to one wife and have 4 children. Welcome to my blog!.
